Welcome to Anybody Home!

Here you will find scattered pictures from my point and shoot camera, random thoughts from my little world, treasured memories of days gone by, hopeful dreams of the days yet to come, and a bunch of ideas - because I've always got ideas!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Who's Woods These Are I Think I Know

Out in the woods, those binoculars Pake bought for Jonge came in handy.

We are hunting for something.

Not snakes, but Jonge did have one. That is because Pake not only bought him binoculars, he bought him a snake, too!

But, there really wasn't time to play with it, for we were on a mission.

Jonge remembered exactly what it was we were looking for, because we had done the same thing last year.

It was two weeks later in the season last year, and what we were looking for was much easier to find.


Jonge has found something!

Something that could soon look like this little tree!

(it IS a little tree, isn't it? please tell me that isn't what poison ivy looks like. no. i didn't think so either.)


Jonge helped me pick up acorns, so my 'little spool people' can have cute hats and bowls.

In this particular spot there are at least two varieties of oak trees. So, I have some VERY large acorn caps, and some very small. If it wasn't so damp we could have trekked back farther into the woods, but that did not seem feasible.
And, we still had to go to the beach!
Jonge REALLY had a fabulous time being my helper. Using the binoculars made it even more fun.
Now. If only the acorns would dry out, I might be able to make something out of them.

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