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Here you will find scattered pictures from my point and shoot camera, random thoughts from my little world, treasured memories of days gone by, hopeful dreams of the days yet to come, and a bunch of ideas - because I've always got ideas!

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Lunch in the Misty Wood

Lunch in the woods was an adventure in itself.
It was misting all the time, raining occasionally.
Don't we look like the swarthy outdoorsy type?
No. That isn't us. Not at all.
But, I would not have missed this for anything.
We picnicked in this very same spot last year in September.
Famke was only a month old.

It was a little cooler, and windy, but dry.
Last year we brought our lunch, too. One of the items on the menu was Townhouse Multi-grain crackers, which are shaped like footballs. We brought spray cheese to add the stitching.
Jonge remembered this. How, I do not know. He has a VERY good memory. Almost too good, it you know what I mean.
Over four dollars for the cheese in the can. And he does not even like it.

Oh, the things we do for love!
Like eating in the woods in the rain.
It WAS a feast though. YUM. We will try to do the same menu next year. Jonge will remember.

I think it would be correct to say that a good time was had by all.
Oh. And I got to use one of my thrifted picnic baskets. I keep one of them empty for just such occasions.


Melissa said...

so, so swarthy

MissKris said...

Lovely, lovely photos of your various outings here, Judy. Living on the edges of the Olympic Rain Forest in Washington State the first almost-13 years of my life, we did EVERYTHING in the rain or mist, it seemed. Never having lived anywhere else beforehand, I grew up thinking everywhere was like that. It probably rained 300 days out of the year. But when you're a kid, you can adapt to anything. My poor Mom, on the other hand, who grew up in New England and extolled the beauties of 4 REAL seasons, absolutely HATED living in Grays Harbor County. Now I wouldn't move back there for anything. I don't even like to visit because trying to find a nice day to do so is NOT very easy.