Welcome to Anybody Home!

Here you will find scattered pictures from my point and shoot camera, random thoughts from my little world, treasured memories of days gone by, hopeful dreams of the days yet to come, and a bunch of ideas - because I've always got ideas!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

As Told By Pake

THGGM was home today. There was a little Jonge who certainly enjoyed that!

Pake allows things that I do not. Things like warm chocolate milk for no reason other than he asked for it. Jonge also asked for salty almonds and Pake immediately took him across the street to buy some. I know a little boy who is NOT going to be happy when Pake goes back to work.


Jonge decided that he would like to drink his warm chocolate milk in the living room. Pake inquired, "May I hold you while you drink it?"

Jonge responded with "You would LOVE to!"

Those two are something together.


MissKris said...

Hands' on Papas and Pakes don't know how good they have it, do they? I'm thinkin' your man was a great dad like mine was, too. Yesterday when it was around time for Dear Hubby to show up from work, Dylan was waiting at the windows on the couch and when he saw the truck pull around the corner, the look he gave me was SO full of happiness. "Papa!" he yelled, and was out the door running to Dear Hubby as quickly as he could get the door open. It's SO GOOD to have Dylan "home"!!!!!!!!

Karen said...

"You would LOVE to." That makes me melt.