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Here you will find scattered pictures from my point and shoot camera, random thoughts from my little world, treasured memories of days gone by, hopeful dreams of the days yet to come, and a bunch of ideas - because I've always got ideas!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Forgetful Me

I am sending my blessings to all mother's of the very young - the kind who need to get a babysitter just to go to the bathroom.

Speaking of which, poor Famke spent a half hour this morning playing in an empty bathtub with two empty toilet paper rolls. I could not think of anything else for her to do and there was no one to watch her except for me. Thankfully, she is easy to entertain, and understands about tummy aches.

So, at seven o'clock tonight they went home. THGGM always feels incredibly sad after they leave. Even though they live in the same city we do.

We had great fun, and so did Jonge and Famke.

But, there are a few things I had forgotten about.

Last night we slept in a bed without sheets. When I popped the zonked Famke into her crib, I noticed that the sheets had been taken off the line, but I'd forgotten to put them back on our bed. One NEVER risks waking a sleeping baby. NEVER. That part I remember. We were so very tired, we hardly noticed the absence of bed linens.

I'd also forgotten how life with the very young revolves around eating, sleeping and going potty. For the very young. Those feeling old are only responsible for making sure those things are happening for the very young. Those feeling old are basically on their own for all of those things.

I'd forgotten what it is like to flip pancakes for everyone and never sit down to eat them.

I'd forgotten that as soon as one meal is done and cleaned up, it's time to start fixing the next one.

The very young go through several different outfits in just one day. In that way, they are very much like their Pake. I'd forgotten how quickly the dirty clothes pile up.

I'd forgotten that for some very young people, it is totally acceptable to fill ones pants during dinner. And, be very happy about it.

I'd almost forgotten a certain look from the very young that requires an adult to ask, "You need to go potty right now, don't you?".

I'd completely forgotten that prayer time isn't over until every known dog, living and dead, has been properly prayed for.

I'd forgotten that more food ends up under the table than inside of the very young.

I'd nearly forgotten that if one has no ingredients for supper, the very young could most likely survive just by licking the bottoms of their feet. Oh. And did you know that a grape placed inside of a shoe on Friday will be a raisin by Sunday? Yup. It will LOOK more like a horrid beetle, but it was a grape. Trust me.

I'd totally forgotten that a spider in a web between the screen and window of a back door will provide a diversion when the very young are fighting over a particular yellow block, even though there are dozens of the very same kind of block in the bucket.

I'd forgotten that big brother's take things from little sisters without asking or saying please.

I'd forgotten just how loud little sister's can scream. Loud. Very very loud.

I'd almost completely forgotten that loud screams have no effect at all on big brothers. Not even my screams.
I'd forgotten how the very young enjoy having the very same books read over and over and over and over again.
I'd forgotten that Rolie Polie Olie's family dance in their underpants, and that the very young find that hysterical. Every time.
I'd forgotten, even though I'm sure I still have scars, how much it hurts to step on upside-down Fisher Price little people beds.

I'd forgotten that playgrounds are fun and free.

I'd forgotten that eating ice cream too fast gives the very young the dreaded 'slurpie tumor'.

I'd forgotten that it is sometimes necessary to send a very young boy to tell me who is at the door because I hadn't found the time to get dressed before noon.

I'd totally forgotten what it is like to wake up to coughing in the next room.
I'd almost forgotten that wet wipes and paper towel are dear friends of mine.
I'd forgotten that kisses fix everything. Even bonked heads.
But I'll never forget how much fun we had, and cannot wait until we can do it again!
(don't call me tomorrow. i shall be resting.)


Yvonne said...

Way too funny - and oh so true!

MissKris said...

Boy, can I relate to THIS one!

daisymarie said...

And these are things I missed so dreadfully while I was enjoying Arizona. It was so precious to Asher last night--even for just a little bit.

He kept brushing my cheek with his hand, and patting the top of my head, and looking me very straight in the eye.

I'd not forgotten how precious that is...and I'm living for nap time today!

And those books get read over, over, over, over, and over again and then some!


And don't even breath loud enough to wake that baby!