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Here you will find scattered pictures from my point and shoot camera, random thoughts from my little world, treasured memories of days gone by, hopeful dreams of the days yet to come, and a bunch of ideas - because I've always got ideas!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Famke Has an Announcement to Make

Yes. Yes she is!

From the video, it may appear that she has already chosen a name. But, that is the name of her Uncle David's dog. Since we all adore the way she says it, she says it ALL the time!

Famke, at 15 months, is quite the talker!


Pat said...

Oh how wonderful!

Karen said...

Congratulations to everyone!

MissKris said...

So the news is out now, huh? I am so thrilled for you all, Judy! I, too, am sitting here early at my computer - just past 5 am here - and I am basking in contentment, too. I just don't understand grandparents who are 'tired' of the grandbabies 5 minutes after they arrive, do you?!? The other day I had one of my Emmylou Harris CD's playing and I had Cooper in my arms dancing him around the living room with Dylan running circles around us. My daughter was sitting in the recliner watching us and she said, "Mom, you can't believe the good memories going thru my mind right now. Watching you and the babies brings back all the times we listened to music and danced around the house with you when we were little, too." I told her, "Well, you're seeing your childhood relived every day watching me with your nephews. What I do with them is exactly what I did with you and your brother." And she tells me, yes, she knows how lucky they ALL are. Now, THOSE kind of compliments have no price tag, do they?

MissKris said...

Oh, how I wish my volume on my computer was working right now so I could hear Famke! I unplugged it and put my headset in it a while back and now it won't work. Go figure! I'll snitch my daughter's laptop later today and listen!

anonymous said...

Yay! COngratulations to your whole family Judy! When's the new one going to arrive? It seems everyone is having babies in May. I know of at least 4 due in May just from church. Must be August was a "good month". :)

Heather Plett said...

Lucky you! Congrats!