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Here you will find scattered pictures from my point and shoot camera, random thoughts from my little world, treasured memories of days gone by, hopeful dreams of the days yet to come, and a bunch of ideas - because I've always got ideas!

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Thoughts on Election Day

None of these thoughts shall have anything at all to do with the election, but they will be thoughts that I have had on election day. Or, by the end of this you may realize that they were hardly thoughts at all. I'll let you be the judge.
This morning when I got up, I thought how nice it was that I wasn't awake coughing all night. Then I realized that was only because the stuff in my lungs had turned to cement and required much effort to expel. No more details.
My next coherent thought was to wonder why I had such a dreadful stomach ache. Then I realized that due to an extreme inability to taste anything yesterday I had eaten strangely. Much onion/dill/rye bread, two large bowls of popcorn, generous mugs of coffee, rotisserie chicken, raw cauliflower and to top it all off, near midnight I was eating chocolate chips straight from the bag.
I think THGGM has the same thing I have, but he does not seem to suffer in the same manner I do. This is because he takes drugs. I take only foul tasting diabetic cough syrup. Yes. The irony is obvious. I realize there are carbs in the onion/dill/rye bread, popcorn and chocolate chips, yet I choose to avoid carbs in my cough syrup. So sue me. THGGM waltzed out the door in the wee hours of the morning and will waltz back in late this afternoon. In the mean time he will swallow capsules of cold/flu medications and work hard. If I have the energy, I will draw faces on the little felted wee folk's heads and trim their woolly hair. It will take many mugs of coffee before I'm up to that, though.
My thoughts turn to how tired I am this morning. It couldn't have anything to do with how little sleep I got, due to the fact that I had no rotisserie spit to turn on to keep up with my fickle sinus' which could not decide whether or not they leaned towards the liberal far left or the conservative far right and were slithering around annoyingly as if on a mad hunt for the fulcrum. When I realized that the fulcrum would not be found and my sinus' would remain off balance until this evil germ had run it's full course I turned the light back on and picked up my current book, "The Egg and I".
I think I'm in love with this book. Or, am I just realizing that my brain could not keep up with Mary Chesnut and her civil war horrors and life on an egg farm with Ma and Pa Kettle as the closest neighbors makes more sense than Mary's being best friends with Jefferson Davis' wife?
Huh. Sort of makes one think. But then, I realize now that my ability to think rational thoughts has been seriously compromised by this illness that I have, which I am sure is worse than any illness THGGM has ever had in this live-long-life. And, I would tell him that, if I could talk without coughing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love the book The Egg and I and of course the movie...Glad to hear someone is reading it. Hope you are feeling better by now....Have you read any of her other books? I picked up one...can't remember the name of it this time and could not get past the first chapter,...seemed boring and too much detail. A year later I picked it up again and LOVED it! It was about her life and their her friends. I have it around her someplace. I want to see what else she wrote now that I remembered how much I liked the other 2 I have read....thanks for reminding me of her writing!!