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Here you will find scattered pictures from my point and shoot camera, random thoughts from my little world, treasured memories of days gone by, hopeful dreams of the days yet to come, and a bunch of ideas - because I've always got ideas!

Saturday, December 13, 2008

And Something Blue

Wouldn't it be great fun to be two years old again at Christmas time?
Everything is a wonder!
We are all about Jesus over here. I've been reading from an Advent book that I read to my kids. This has caused a slight change in what would be considered a 'normal' nativity scene. We have a snake hovering around ours. Day One in our Advent book has a painting of the serpent with Adam and Eve.
Even though our Christmas is about Jesus, we did take some time to write a letter to Santa. We strive to separate reality from fiction, and mostly, we succeed.

That would be why there is a bucket of colored pencils on the dining room table.
Me: What would you like for Christmas?
Jonge: A present!
Me: When you unwrap the present, what would you like to find inside?
Jonge: A surpise!
Me: And when you look at that surprise, what do you want it to look like?
Jonge: Blue!
Me: Okaaaaay. Anything else?
Jonge: A frisbee for Charley. One that works.

Jonge's Uncle has a dog that can actually jump high and snag a frisbee out of the sky. This is so amazing to Jonge, who thinks there must be something wrong with Charley's frisbee. Charley won't even jump to catch food, so I don't think his frisbee is broken. But isn't it so sweet that Jonge cares?
Friday was also Oldest Son's birthday. This is Jonge making the hot fudge for the hot fudge peanut caramel coolwhip birthday brownie sundaes! Jonge is fabulous at pouring milk into bowls and whisking it all together.
I have been a mother for twenty eight years. Wow. It still sort of feels to me like I just got here.


MissKris said...

When I was out walking with the boys last week we passed a park where a man was exercising his two dogs, tossing Frisbees in the air for them to catch. Like Jonge, Dylan was just fascinated with the sight and we stood by and watched until they were done. My oldest is 32 now, Judy, and I know exactly what you mean when you say you feel like you just got here yourself. Doesn't Life just whiz right past us?!?

Debra said...

Oh, I want to go to your house. It sounds like good old-fashioned family fun. :) Blessings, Debra

Melissa said...

It often seems that all kids really want is the chance to help out and do things with you...until you make it a chore, that is.