Welcome to Anybody Home!

Here you will find scattered pictures from my point and shoot camera, random thoughts from my little world, treasured memories of days gone by, hopeful dreams of the days yet to come, and a bunch of ideas - because I've always got ideas!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Because I Don't Own a Pair of Boots

I know. I know.
I have lived in Michigan for 50 years. I know better.
While I stayed snug inside and baked gingerbread men, froze bell shaped ice to hang on my door, sewed, cooked chicken for the cat, and tweaked things around here,
THGGM was out battling the elements. He stayed at it all day. A kind neighbor with a plow widened our driveway, which was a blessing.
Yeah. I'm pretty sure that I will never own boots again. It works for me. ;)
All the gifts I so carefully prepared all year have hit the point where they just look plain old stupid to me. Everything seems to be missing just ONE important piece. THIS is the part of the Christmas 'feeling' that I get every year. That feeling of failure.
I DID complete the cashmere dress for the doll I'm making. Now her shoes no longer match. For 25 cents I got a nice scrap of gray wool at the thrift store. Tomorrow morning I shall awaken early and get right at those shoes.
Today I spent a little bit of time remembering all that I used to accomplish in the Decembers of 'yore'. Tired me out just thinking about it.
Last night I read a short Christmas story by Bess Streeter Aldrich. I LOVE how she wrote.
(i can no longer complete a thought. goodnight!)


Karen said...

We're so hard on ourselves, aren't we? I know what you mean about that let down of not getting it all perfect. I hate it too. It's not supposed to be perfect. So I want it perfectly imperfect. Augh. Good for you for enjoying a Christmas story. That's what it's all about anyway.

anonymous said...

My husband was out a good portion of the day as well. And it looks as if maybe he'll be out there again today after work. Will it ever stop???

Don't worry about things being perfect Judy. Noone expects perfection. :)

Debra said...

Oh, I love Bess Streeter Aldrich, too, especially A Lantern in Her Hand the ones following that. Every few years I reread them.

I'm sure your gifts look just right and will be cherished! Blessings, Debra