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Here you will find scattered pictures from my point and shoot camera, random thoughts from my little world, treasured memories of days gone by, hopeful dreams of the days yet to come, and a bunch of ideas - because I've always got ideas!

Friday, December 26, 2008

On the Second Day of Christmas

...I am cleaning up from yesterday in an attempt to get ready for the extended family Christmas party on Sunday.

We had a lovely time, truly, we did. But it shall go down in family folk lore as the Poo Christmas of '08. No more on THAT story will be coming, ever.

And, after I sort, crop and tweak, I may have a picture or two to show. Happy children, happy adults, good food and good family time. It does not get better than that.

Now, on to the 'angsty' Judy sort of post we've all grown accustom to.

While reclining on the couch in the early morning hours, I picked up a book that Oldest Son gave to his father for Christmas (everyone is SO excited that thggm reads now.)

The book is "Yours, Jack - Spiritual Direction from C.S. Lewis". The book is a fabulous collection of letters written by C.S. Lewis, something and someone I find extremely interesting and THGGM is growing to enjoy immensely.

But, being the angsty hormonally challenged tired overwhelmed Judy that I am today, this is what I noticed when I read the very first page, the "Editor's Note".

Now, please, bear with me. This weird little error in editing is on the first page? The Editor's Note page? The FIFTH word in the entire book? A book about someone who was extremely word aware?

Here, before I tell you what it actually IS, I must interject that this will seem odd coming from the likes of me, who fills her blog posts with many poor examples of spelling, grammar and even cognitive thought. But, still. I do not do this for a living wage. No. I do it because. Just because. I have no idea why I do it, I just DO. When I go back and find errors in my posts, I tend to leave them as errors, so you, my dear blog readers, will know what I have known for decades. I'm not all that bright.

Anyway, I give you here the very first sentence on the very first page of the very first thing I read this morning:

"Unless you were a person friend of C.S. Lewis, or one of his many correspondents, you are probably not aware that he went by "Jack" to his friends, a name he landed on as a child and decided it suited him better than his given one (Clive Staples Lewis)."

Now. Did you SEE it?

The fifth word?


Should that not read "personal"?

One would think.

Unless, of course, here the editor is referring to the numerous alien, animal and inanimate object friends that C.S. Lewis had, which then would make that fifth word permissible.

Really. Does this sort of thing bother anyone else?

(seriously. i need a cookie.)


MissKris said...

YES!!!!! Typos drive me INSANE!!! Especially the ones on the news scrolls that flit across the TV screen endlessly. "Tired chains required..." stayed on the local station forever the other day. And these are news journalists, editors, blah, blah, blah. Most college-educated. Hmmmmmm. When they say most graduating Seniors spell and read at grade school levels, I believe them! No, you are NOT alone on this one, Judy.

MissKris said...

And I dunno why I blog, either. I just do. Like you.

Yvonne said...

That would have totally bugged me, too - and for the record - I'm glad you just DO!

Marguerite said...

Glad your Christmas was full of love and family.

About the poo - you've tweeked our curiousity and I think you owe your faithful readers a story.

I don't know why I blog, either. Some days I think maybe I'll stop doing it, but I don't. It totally boggles my mind that people read what I've posted and keep coming back for more.

Debra said...

Heee... you reminded me of a post I've been meaning to write the past couple weeks... Someday I'll write it and you'll see how I feel about typos and such. :) Glad you had a happy Christmas! Blessings, Debra

Anvilcloud said...

It's not just that word; the whole thing seems poorly composed to me. I blog because I wouldn't write otherwise, and I like to write. Strange, I know.

anonymous said...

I always feel a bit "ripped off" when I come across typos or misspelled words in books I pay for. Somehow it takes away from the quality.

I want to hear about the poo, too.

Karen said...

Augh! Somebody really goofed in missing that one.

I'm dying to know the poo story, too!

Bon said...

Typos in commercial items drive me crazy. In fact, that is why I quit taking the GR Press. In blogs, I can handle it. Strange isn't it.