Welcome to Anybody Home!

Here you will find scattered pictures from my point and shoot camera, random thoughts from my little world, treasured memories of days gone by, hopeful dreams of the days yet to come, and a bunch of ideas - because I've always got ideas!

Thursday, January 15, 2009


I did not accomplish nearly any of the things I set out to do today.
MANY things were started, but I kept running into little glitches that set me back.
I DID manage to get a batch of bread going.
Has this happened to other people my age?
I cannot leave my kitchen for even a second or I forget that I have something cooking, simmering, baking and then later a timer goes off and I have NO IDEA that I left something unattended.
Thankfully, I never forget when I have kids here that they ARE here.
Anyway.., today I updated my www.simplythrift.blogspot.com blog. Hopefully soon I shall have pictures of all the neat things that we are doing around the house. THGGM has a phrase I believe he uses WAAAY too much. It's "Us we, or me we?"
Most of it involves only paint. But, there is a plan to do a switcheroo of the bedrooms. Then, the lovely vintage baby mobile may get some use. This may or may not be accomplished before the newest grandchild's arrival. Otherwise, I may have to hang it over my side of the bed. I like it that much.
I'd like to say that I am beyond worry, but I'm still trying to deal with it. Does anyone know why my dad can't stay home when the air is too cold for a healthy person to breath? Never did any of us think that it would be my mother who would go into a home and my dad would be gadding about in the subzero temps. Already today he has done more than I have planned for the entire week. Had I known this was going to be the case, I would have listened more intently when my mom spoke of how she got him to wear a scarf.
Daughter called tonight. She was suddenly hit with a violent case of the flu. Jonge had it, I've had it and now she has it. Ugh. Those days of being pregnant, sick, and yet still required to care for very young children are far behind me, but I remember them well.
Interesting, how I can remember THAT in gross detail, but not that I have chicken boiling on the stove.


Melodee said...

Oh, you're funny!

I've been forgetting things in the kitchen for many years. Once I melted a pan. A PAN. It was pretty impressive and smokey.

Debra said...

Oh totally, totally about the not leaving the kitchen thing! I'm having to use the timer for *everything*, even if just for two minutes, lest I burn it all. sigh.... :) Blessings, Debra

Karen said...

On leaving the kitchen -- I can still smell the burnt Eggo waffles. I can't even trust the toaster to take care of itself because I have to coax it to pop up. And then, I smell something burning and I can't remember why.

I love your blog. I love the little somethings that you find while thrifting and are so kind to share. They always bring back memories.