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Here you will find scattered pictures from my point and shoot camera, random thoughts from my little world, treasured memories of days gone by, hopeful dreams of the days yet to come, and a bunch of ideas - because I've always got ideas!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Baking Bread

Although I feel like ranting about how much I do not want it to snow anymore, I won't.
Instead, I shall SHOW you what I did on this cold, snowy, wintery afternoon.
I made this loaf of European Peasant Bread.
Oh, it's good.
THGGM isn't crazy about caraway seeds, so I just put them on the outside.
They look gross, do they not?
I might leave them out next time, and just sprinkle them on a buttered slice and eat it with my eyes closed.


Marguerite said...

When I left for doggy school early this evening I felt safe knowing that even though it was snowing we were only supposed to get an inch and we almost had that much.

By the time I got out of doggy school two hours later and brushed an inch off my car, I was muttering about one inch turning into two inches.

Next I got online, checked the weather, and discovered that even though they admitted they said only one inch, we were going to be getting up to seven inches by tomorrow afternoon.

I think ranting about not wanting any more snow is totally appropriate at this point in the season of snow on steroids.

Anonymous said...

Hi,that bread look very so goooood!!

Heather Plett said...

Mmmm... looks yummy! Just the right kind of comfort food for a snowy cold winter day.

(By the way, Blogger ate my last comment, so if this shows up twice, you know why.)

daisymarie said...

Mmmm, they look like bugs on the raw dough, but not so bad on the cooked loaf. I talked to Nelson about getting a bread maker, but he doesn't think we should spend the money or need the carbs. Sigh.

oshee said...

How about sharing the recipe? I have this craving now...

Pat said...

Boy does that look good! I happen to like caraway seeds, and they are very good for digestion...just one more reason to eat more bread!

MissKris said...

My neighbor Sharon makes an Amish Friendship Bread that is soooo good! When I first got married I used to bake ALL our bread. Once the babies arrived, that soon bit the dust.