Welcome to Anybody Home!

Here you will find scattered pictures from my point and shoot camera, random thoughts from my little world, treasured memories of days gone by, hopeful dreams of the days yet to come, and a bunch of ideas - because I've always got ideas!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Christmas Memory

Wow. Can you believe it? Christmas was a month ago already.

I cannot believe it.

I've found that in the month of December, when I really want to think about Christmas' past, I haven't the brain power to do so.

So, I'll try it today.

One of my favorite Christmas memories comes from my preschool days.

My mom thought my nap time would be perfect for her to wrap presents, while my sisters were in school.

I clearly remember that I refused to cooperate.

I can still feel the cold of the living room wall on my cheek as I pressed my face against it trying to peer undetected around the corner into the kitchen.

Persistent I was.

Still, I never saw anything except rolls of gaily colored wrapping paper and piles of wrapped boxes.

Obviously, the day came and those presents were opened.

I cannot remember THAT at all. Not even a little bit.

Which just proves the theory that most of the wonder is in the anticipation.

So start anticipating. Christmas will come again in eleven short months.


MissKris said...

I think the clearest 'little girl' memory I have of Christmas is the one when I had the hard measles in 4th grade. I was running a temp of 104 degrees and I was so sick my Dad had set up an Army cot in the living room so I could lie there and 'watch' Christmas that year. I was too sick to even care if I opened presents, and I don't remember what I received that year. I don't remember much of the one that just happened a month ago, tho. DID it happen???

Yvonne said...

I was a snoop too (or so my siblings tell me - ok, ok I remember doing it....)

Pat said...

I think I'll anticipate Spring and then Summer for now, maybe it will help get through the winter!

Karen said...

I agree, the anticipation of Christmas is wonderful. I like having our Christmas decorations boxed up in our storeroom, where I see the boxes each time I go in to get something. It makes me happy knowing we get to do it all over again in a matter of months.