Welcome to Anybody Home!

Here you will find scattered pictures from my point and shoot camera, random thoughts from my little world, treasured memories of days gone by, hopeful dreams of the days yet to come, and a bunch of ideas - because I've always got ideas!

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

A Moment from My Day

The short video is a random moment from yesterday. We had a great time rolling dice and seeing who got the highest number. In the background, Jonge is loading up his pockets with the dice. I found a baggie full of them for 25 cents at the thrift store. Several days worth of fun already!

Famke is all about "The Wiggles" which is what she is saying with varying degrees of success. I would follow her anywhere, which is actually a wise thing for me to do. Especially since I do like knowing where the remote is.

I've only the brain power for random thoughts lately. Really REALLY random thoughts. So here they are:

I wish I were as fat as Jessica Simpson.

Why didn't they just have ONE weather report back in November that said "Cold and Snow for Months and Months" and then pink-slip the weathermen until they can think of something GOOD to say.

"Alice in Wonderland" is such an enjoyable bedtime read. Lewis Carroll certainly had a handle on dreams.

If I could be given a grant to study any one thing, I would study dreams. Especially the dreams of THGGM. His dreams are incredible. Mine are boring, just the way I like it.

I am seriously enjoying making bread.

I've totally had enough of "Jon and Kate Plus Eight". The kids are still cute and all that, but the 'my kids deserve this' pushed me over the edge.

Seriously. I LOVE being a mom, and am my utmost happiest being a grandma, but EIGHT kids at a time? What was that California woman thinking? Whatever the species, one must first count the number of nipples on the mother before proceeding. I wish those eight newborn babies well, but someone PLEASE get this mother help. And not just the diaper changing kind. Something looooong term. I truly hope this woman does NOT get a TLC show.

I DO like to watch the Duggars though. Last night I turned to THGGM and told him the secret to the Duggar family. Mrs. Duggar never has the opportunity to experience PMS. Wouldn't it be fun to just ONCE watch her lose it?

I still don't have a 2009 calendar.

Could someone get a note to President Obama about pointing the end of his pen towards his shoulder? It's not the 'done thing' to write with a hook like that. Unless of course one is writing in calligraphy. Even I do that then.

Daughter got a new job! We are all very pleased. Especially in this economy. She had applied for it earlier, then turned it down. This time, they came to her. Even though she is pregnant, they still want her.

Now I am off to plan an exciting activity for the young crowd. What should we do today...


Debra said...

Oh Judy, you're a scream! "I wish I were as fat as Jessica Simpson." Me, too! Me, too! :)

You have the funniest way of saying things...thanks for making my day! Blessings, Debra

Pat said...

Once again you have brought a smile to my face!
I do happen to be as fat as Jessica Simpson...plus a bit more.
I'm over Jon and Kate too, which is a shame because those children are so cute, but when I saw her stand in the window of her new 1.3 million dollar home and declare "it's all mine"... welllll.
Gotta love the Duggars, at least those kids are learning skills of all kinds, and they can make that delicious tater tot casserole!

Yvonne said...

Yea, I have to agree - I'm pretty sick of Jon and Kate too (still like the plus 8) She's just too over the top for me. And seriously - the lady is too obsessive about everything!