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Here you will find scattered pictures from my point and shoot camera, random thoughts from my little world, treasured memories of days gone by, hopeful dreams of the days yet to come, and a bunch of ideas - because I've always got ideas!

Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Randomly She Rolls Along

I wonder just how many totally random thoughts I can come up with tonight.
Random Thought #1 - I'm thinking that I should probably go to bed now. Kado is spending the night. This is the first time he has spent the night here without benefit of his siblings. We've had a GREAT time. I am hoping that continues all through the night.

Random Thought #2 - Lately, I've had soooo many ideas running through my head that I haven't been able to pin any of them down. So, today I made a pin keeper! I found the idea in the current issue of Somerset Life. That pin looks like it will hold down an idea or two, don't you think?

Random Thought #3 - Today, while I stitched some scraps of wool blanket into 'pin keepers' I watched several episodes of Monsters on the History Channel. When that became just too weird I watched the Dutch play soccer. The soccer game was more interesting than the thought that there may be large hairy primates roaming the country. I've lived with similar creatures, and they do not scare me. Anymore.

Random Thought #4 - The Somerset Life also had an idea for making a pencil holder out of an old doorknob. I scoffed at this when first I beheld it on the page. Then, when a white porcelain doorknob presented itself to me in my art room while I was rummaging around for wool scraps, I had a change of heart and stopped my scoffing.
Now I have a pencil holder, made from said doorknob, a sea shell, a bit of yellow velvet ribbon and some paper flowers. And to think that earlier today I had no idea just how much I needed a pencil holder of my own. No idea.
Random Thought #5 - My knee feels quite a bit better today. The rest of my leg is sore from walking on it funny, but that isn't nearly so bad. I can deal with that. The last week and a half had been one big painful blur. I'm sure THGGM tires of this, as I'm a whiny one. He, on the other hand, NEVER complains. Certainly SOMETHING must hurt?, I ask him. No, he says, nothing. How can this be? I wonder.
Random Thought #6 - Have you been reading much this summer? I've been reading like crazy. Every time I finish a book I think that I should write a post about it. But, I get into the next book, and forget about liking the other one so very much. Sunday I finished "A Thousand Splendid Suns" by Khaleo Hosseini. What a GREAT book. It's prompted much Google searching too. Learned A LOT. If you haven't read it, READ IT. Because I said so.
Random Thought #7 - Reading a book like that caused me to be even more thankful than I already am that I live here. And that what lights up the sky are celebratory fireworks.
Random Thought #8 - Today I had a STRONG urge to call my dad. Something happened that would have caused delightfully entertaining conversation between the two of us. Something that I told him last year was going to happen, happened. But in the grand scheme of life and death, it doesn't even matter. So much of what happens in life is like that. Yet, I still think he would find it interesting and since I knew him well for 51 years I could probably do both ends of the conversation (okay. i just did.).
Random Thought #9 - Okay. Just TYPING #9 has caused the Dr. Knickerbocker Knickerbocker Number Nine song to start playing in my head. Ear Worms. I dislike them almost as much as I dislike Ear Wigs. Is YOUR home being invaded by earwigs? I hope not. They are GROSS.
Random Thought #10 - I am extremely thankful for air conditioning. Last year we hardly used it. This year I've been tempted to kiss the thermostat as I walk past.
Random Thought #11 - We (he-we) have added about 400 lbs of dirt to our backyard sinkhole. Still tamping it down. Watering it. Poking sticks into it (me-we). It's become 'what we do'. It seems like we may start sitting around it like some people do with fire pits. But, we just have a pit. No fire. Just a hole. Has anyone else read L. M. Montgomery's book "Anne's House of Dreams?" Our sinkhole reminds me of that story.
Random Thought #12 - I still have Thank-Yous to write from my mom's funeral. Although I am VERY thankful, my 'thankfulness' voice has disappeared. I try to find it, but then I have to admit that my mom is dead. I don't want her to be dead. Not yet. Not ever. This does not discount the tremendous joy I feel that she is no longer wandering around in a mind that could not comprehend what was happening. No. I'm glad for that. I'm glad for her. But for me? I wasn't ready to lose her.
I probably should have gotten up and gone to bed after the first random thought. But, I didn't.
Good Night.
(doctor knickerbockerknickerbocker number nine, he likes to dance and keep in time, now let's get the rhythm of the feet, (stomp stomp) now we've got the rhythm of the feet, (stomp stomp) now let's get the rhythm of the NUMBER NINE! One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight Nine!)

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