Welcome to Anybody Home!

Here you will find scattered pictures from my point and shoot camera, random thoughts from my little world, treasured memories of days gone by, hopeful dreams of the days yet to come, and a bunch of ideas - because I've always got ideas!

Friday, September 28, 2012

A Week Without Wireless

Last Friday our wireless died.  It took until yesterday to get it all figured out.  Well, ALMOST all figured out.
I was sick most of the week, so I didn't really miss my computer much.  What did I do?  Most of my time was spent reading "Gods and Generals" and currently I'm reading "The Killer Angels".  Both books have been on my want to read list for years.
So, that's where I've been.  What's new with you?


Rebecca said...

Bummer! (The sick part.)
Picture is adorable (as usual).
While hubby was gone Mon-Wed. I finished a book, also (The Hawk and the Dove Trilogy). VERY good.

And by the way, the picture of your serene living room in the previous post is just beautiful. (We, too, have a round coffee table with little chairs pulled up to it....and I have the white pitcher collection, white mantel, and misc. chairs and cushions, and a wooden bowl with a candle in it, and......(Do you see why I liked your room?)

MissKris said...

WHERE in the WORLD do you find time to read during your busy days? I am so tired by the time I get home I'm lucky to get dinner cooked, dishes washed, and half-doze on the couch before heading for bed, lol! But now I'm on another extended break while the other grandma is here trying to transition into living here full time. Please pray her land sells...that's the only thing holding her back, not being able to make both that payment and a payment on a place to live here. Hope you're feeling better!

Mary said...

I had wondered where your were. I thought maybe you were just super busy or had a migraine. Those babies are just adorable. So glad you have your wireless back. You have a wonderful weekend!

Pat said...

I've had internet problems too, and cable and phone. It was actually kind of nice.
Love those grands of yours!

Melissa said...

Not much - I just keep running trying to stay caught up. How fun that you got to do some reading!!

Anonymous said...

Dear Judy,
So sorry to hear you've been sick. Glad you're up and around.
I will add those two books to my reading list. I'm always looking for something good to read.
Look at those sweet babies! You're so good with getting natural expressions.

Be well,

Annie said...

Jeepers, Judy, glad you're okay. I was getting worried about you.

Annie @ the view from 256.blogspot.com

Tournesol said...

Such adorable babies! I took a short 2 day trip (plus 2 days driving back and forth) to New Mexico last week.
I love all my technology too, until it doesn't work! Frustrating.