Welcome to Anybody Home!

Here you will find scattered pictures from my point and shoot camera, random thoughts from my little world, treasured memories of days gone by, hopeful dreams of the days yet to come, and a bunch of ideas - because I've always got ideas!

Tuesday, October 02, 2012

Birthday Weekend

This past wonderfully glorious weekend we celebrated THGGM's 54th birthday.

On Sunday, the day before his actual date of birth, we rose early, drank pumpkin spice coffee, went to Cracker Barrel for oatmeal, and then took a lovely fall ride to the Allegan County Fair Grounds for the Antiques Fair.

Although we didn't go into any of the buildings, we perused every aisle, of which there are many.

And bought nothing.  Not even an elephant ear.

The best part was just being together, outside, smelling the fall fair smells and enjoying the beautiful day.

In the evening we went to Daughter and Son-in-law's home to celebrate with the family.  Daughter made her father's very favorite birthday dessert, German Chocolate cake.  It was WONDERFUL.

Summer for us begins on my birthday, June 1st, and ends on THGGM's birthday, October 1st.  Come on Fall, we are ready for you!  Well, that is, we will be ready for you once we get a part replaced on our boiler, but after that, we are ready!

Oh, and I still haven't got the wireless working on my main computer yet.  My pictures are on that one, except for the occasion when I figure out how to get them on this computer.  I DID alter this picture, but I have NO IDEA where it went when it was completed.  It SAID that it had been saved, but I cannot find it anywhere.  There is absolutely nothing saved on this computer but a few pictures that I altered, so it's not like they should be hard to find.

Although I enjoy technology very much, I'd like it even better if I understood it.  Which I don't.


Lisa in Texas = ) said...

Sounds like a very glorious day indeed!!
Lisa :O)

Melissa said...

Look at the happy baby petting the sweet puppy - you too are quite young, you do know that, right?

Rebecca said...

My kind of day - including the stroll, the pumpkin spice coffee, the celebratin'...all of it except the technological glitch. I DON'T need that!

Belated Happy Birthday wishes to THGGY. His B'day is the anniversary of the day my husband proposed to me--which is somehow easier for me to remember than our wedding anniversary which is either June 4, 5 or perhaps 6).