Welcome to Anybody Home!

Here you will find scattered pictures from my point and shoot camera, random thoughts from my little world, treasured memories of days gone by, hopeful dreams of the days yet to come, and a bunch of ideas - because I've always got ideas!

Friday, October 05, 2012

Where Did The Baby Go?

Sweet little Feintsje has grown up SO much!  He has been teething which causes him to feel miserable.  Presently, it's all four eye teeth he is working on.
The boy does LOVE to climb.  And he is VERY quiet about it.  One cannot take ones eyes off of him.  Not even for a second.
I miss those days when I could just put him to bed and he would nap for hours.
Kado still does that.
Not Feintsje.  No.  There are things to throw, furniture to climb, and coffee cups to empty.
Here's to hoping that when those teeth finally come through he is back to his old sleeping patterns.
One CAN always hope.


Rebecca said...

Looks like you've already answered the question you posed in the title of your post :)

:) Yes, you can always hope.

My name WAS Female, I shit you not! said...

I haven't been commenting often because I have to try repeatedly to figure out the "word challenge_ but had to stop and say, where has the time gone? Another cutie we have here. (((hugs)))Pat

Pat said...

One could get lost in those soulful eyes.
I hope he get's back to his old sleeping patterns too..for bothof you.

Anonymous said...

first picture: dryswimming already? Indeed, an adventorous no longer baby boy. My eldest climbed a ladder with vertical sport day before his first birthday, I could just touch his heels from the ground. Quietly coached him to stay where he was and picj=ked him off the ladder, climbing fibve! steos myself. Watch that Feintsje, he is of the inventing type. Do cover steps etc. with solid wooden boards, preventing them to falling on little feet, watch every cord, rope and such things, they are able to bind off limbs by themselves or the other children. These are the children who are always one step ahead of what they are supposed to be able to do at their age and they are very imaginiating also, so think bears and wolves on the road and you are at least prepared for most eventualities. One of these is worth at least five "normal"children, but oh, how cute they are and how admirable for their thinking outside the box. Well, amybe his teething is followed by a quieter time, as you say, one can always hope. Oh, those gremlinwords, if they are not readable at all, I just put here comes a Hint:GRRRR, then at least I will get a new word, maybe a little easier to read.

Tournesol said...

What a beautiful little boy : )