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Here you will find scattered pictures from my point and shoot camera, random thoughts from my little world, treasured memories of days gone by, hopeful dreams of the days yet to come, and a bunch of ideas - because I've always got ideas!

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Today in My Backyard

Today I heard all of the neighborhood birds go CRAZY.  It started with a noisy blue jay but quickly escalated to include every bird sound imaginable.

It was not long after that I spotted this hawk sitting on the fence in the backyard.

Of course, I told him to leave the birds alone and just go after the mice.

And to please, Please, PLEASE leave me no evidence.

Such a beautiful bird.


Anonymous said...

You're so amazing....can't believe you got that shot.
Yeah, that would wig the other birds out. For sure. Kinda even wigs me out having something so powerful so close to the house.

Blessings on you and yours,

MissKris said...

Looks like the Cooper's Hawk we had in the NW. Maybe that's what it is here, too. They're bird-eaters which I think is so totally weird, being birds themselves. They used to swoop down into the tree in front of our window in Portland and it was like the tree would literally explode with their hunting efforts and the sparrows trying to get away.