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Here you will find scattered pictures from my point and shoot camera, random thoughts from my little world, treasured memories of days gone by, hopeful dreams of the days yet to come, and a bunch of ideas - because I've always got ideas!

Thursday, October 11, 2012


Kado hasn't been feeling well this week.  A bit of a cold and fever.  He slept for over three hours yesterday afternoon and woke up a bit sluggish.

But yet he LOVES to talk, and I LOVE to listen to him.

Sometimes he can be a bit hard to understand, but he is doing much better as time goes on.

Just before school started  I told Famke that I would probably be calling her at school so she could interpret what her brother was saying, as she always knew exactly what he meant.

So far, I haven't had to do that.

But he has said a few very cute things.  In this picture he is looking at the mantle.  When I first decorated it for fall, he was delighted by it and told me with much enthusiasm that he really likes all my "pumpnicks".  He only said it once, but forever they shall be known as "pumpnicks" to me.

Also, anything that happened in  the past he refers to as "lasterday".  Last week we were playing a game that involved jumping.  Suddenly he stopped jumping to tell me that "Lasterday at my friend Josh's house we played on a Jump-o-leen !"  Kado would really like to have his own "jump-o-leen".  Seriously though, why aren't trampolines called that?   Where did the 'tramp' come from?

Lasterday, I used to like jumping on jump-o-leens, but now I'd rather just gaze at the pumpnicks on my mantle from the comfort of my living room.


Mary Ann said...

So cute!

Unknown said...

We still refer to some of the things that Asher said when he was three...it's just a delightful time as they begin to speak. Now Asher is spelling and we have fun with the non-sensical way things are spelled in the English language...

My name WAS Female, I shit you not! said...

That's MY BOY!
Kado will always be dear to my heart.
Wonderful memories that you are making with your grands.

Anonymous said...

Wow, mixing words that way means he has a creative brain with words, maybe a future writer? My son , 12 months, was enthusiastic about Feli-ants, well, how else would you name an elephant? We still mention a centrifuge (for making wet washes dryer) a centrifuge instead of a friteuse. Would you rather be jumped on then tramped on? Me neither way. And lasterday is so much better then yesterday: last week, last month, last hour, yesterhour would be so confusing, he is quite right, lasterday is obviouesly eh yesterday. DM

Anonymous said...

Obviously I meant we call a friteuse a centrifuge. DM

MissKris said...

Our daughter used to do the same thing for our son. I could hardly understand him until he was around 5, lol! I don't know how she did it.

Tournesol said...

So cute! My 24 year old son would say "choc lick" when he was little and we still call it that : ) My own brother made up babing suiten, and we all still use that one too.

I'm a twin and I'm told my sister and I would carry on conversations No one could understand!

It seems like you have an awful lot of fun at your house on a regular basis, so nice.