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Here you will find scattered pictures from my point and shoot camera, random thoughts from my little world, treasured memories of days gone by, hopeful dreams of the days yet to come, and a bunch of ideas - because I've always got ideas!

Friday, August 30, 2013

10 in 10

Let me share with you at least ten of the reasons that the summer of 2013 has been one of the best summers of my life!

1.  THGGM and I were able to spend two weeks of our summer vacationing in the beautiful Traverse City area.  That makes up for missing out last summer which was among the very worst summers of my life.

2.  The weather was lovely.  Just enough hot and muggy days to cause me to appreciate the rest of them.  Of course you already know this, but I cannot stand the heat and I've gotten out of the kitchen years ago.

3.  The addition of Broeder to our family has been such a joy.  He is one sweet boy!  And it delights me to see how he lights up and smiles when his sister gets all up in his face.  Such a sweet little bond already.
4.  Getting to spend my days with such kind and interesting grandchildren is such a thrill!  I love these kids because they belong to me, but even if they didn't they all have personalities that appeal to me.  They run the gamut of sensitive, chatty, quirky, charming, bold, and sweet.  I do believe we all had a great time together, and there were actually occasions when they left just as tired as I was.

5.  We went places and did things.  We visited with people we hadn't seen for years.  We ate dinners in the backyard.  We enjoyed our own home and yard.

6.  I've read a lot this summer.  It's true, I DO spend an enormous amount of time perusing Pinterest pinning more ideas than I shall ever have time to accomplish (mostly because i am spending an enormous amount of time on pinterest!) but I have been reading a lot too.  Me and my Kindle.  We are close friends.

7.  I'm sure that someday I will go to see my doctor and he will diagnose me with a condition seen only in those who jump hurdles.  He will be mystified.  I will know that it comes from hopping over a gate more times in a day than one can count.  I can also do this while holding a child in each arm.  The gate replaces the sound of a pocket door being opened and closed  ALL.  DAY.  LONG.  Now that Hertsje has learned to escape the pack-n-play I may have to rethink how this will all work.  Hmm.., does anybody know if they make pack-n-plays with lids?

8.  This summer I got to observe that while a pool can make three children extremely happy, the joy of one two year old with a hose is something not to be missed.  What amazing things one can learn by watching water come alive to a little boy.

9.  I may have mentioned this in the past, but if you want to keep a bunch of kids happy and occupied for an entire rainy afternoon, give them each their own roll of tape.  Any kind of tape will do.  Seriously.  Tape just may be the number one go-to gift for any child's gift-giving occasion.  I used to think it was good quality markers and drawing paper, but I was wrong.  It's tape!

10.  It is going to be dreadfully hard to see Jonge and Famke head off to school on Tuesday.  The loss of two kind and willing helpers is part of that, but so is having interesting conversations about people, life, and feelings.  Hopefully tonight (they are coming for a sleep-over) we will get to finish reading Mr. Popper's Penguins.

So those are just 10 of the many many many wonderful things about this summer.  It was truly madly deeply GREAT.  It was so great that I am sure it's greatness, wonder, and joy is part of the depression I am feeling now.  Or, maybe it's just that a mouse has taken up residence somewhere in my kitchen and I hate that with supreme hatred.

But I DO love Fall most of all, so onward and forward I go in my quick-stepping march to old age and senility.  Although I must march with a slight limp due to that pain in my hurdling hip.


Unknown said...

Hi, my name is Linda and I happened upon your blog from a friends page. In reading the things you are thankful for, we have several in common....#1 probably, grandchildren! They are a true blessing. Kindle...I never leave home without it! Hoping we can become Blog friends in the days to come.
Linda in Tennessee

Tournesol said...

Sounds like your summer was just wonderful in many ways, especially your grandkids. Kids and summer are a lot of fun, some of my best memories as a child are of the summer : ) We had a pretty good one too but boy did it go by fast! ( visit my blog for a sec if you have time, I have a bit of good news)

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Hi, just dropped in from a fellow blogger's site, The AC is ON, and this post and other of your grandkids were such fun to read. Yiu have had a by active summer and it was fun to read about. Please do feel free to drop into our blog place anytime, as we really like back door company.