Welcome to Anybody Home!

Here you will find scattered pictures from my point and shoot camera, random thoughts from my little world, treasured memories of days gone by, hopeful dreams of the days yet to come, and a bunch of ideas - because I've always got ideas!

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

My Marvelous Monday

 Coffee on the deck while the sun rises.

 Antique shopping at Wilson's in Acme, where I found this lovely Roseville mug!  I must collect it now, as I am the happy owner of three pieces.  Then, of course, it was back to the beach for THGGM.
 While I played with my paints at the table on the deck.  The table on the deck is now mostly blue.
 Not sure who those kids are.  Because the kids on the beach don't seem that happy.  But I am sure that if MY grandchildren, or YOUR children/grandchildren were here, they would be the happy kind.
 And, no trip up the Mission Peninsula would be complete without stopping to take a picture of this incredible chicken barn.  Although it seems to house goats now.  And look!  Since May they have built a fence!  I notice things.
 And here is THGGM.  That is the east bay to the left.  In the sunset picture below, all I have done is turned around.  And that is the west bay.
 Isn't it beautiful?  I think so!  And do picture it a MUCH deeper shade of orange/red.  Because it was.  Pictures are never as good as the real thing, but I still take them, because my memory is limited and I shall surely want to remember this!


Alice said...

beautiful pictures and paintings!

Rebecca said...

Oh, you DID have a marvelous MONDAY! Good for you.

Tournesol said...

Great pictures, how nice! Those happy kids remind me of little cousins a few years ago. They came out from the reservation in the mountains to visit and we went to the beach, they ran for the water with their clothes on and were that happy. People commented that they'd never seen anyone so happy to be at the beach : )

My name WAS Female, I shit you not! said...

All were "eye candy". Thanks for sharing.
P.S. Your happiness reflects in your post.