Welcome to Anybody Home!

Here you will find scattered pictures from my point and shoot camera, random thoughts from my little world, treasured memories of days gone by, hopeful dreams of the days yet to come, and a bunch of ideas - because I've always got ideas!

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Is Anyone Doing this Already?

I've come up with an idea that all publishing companies need to get behind.

Authors, especially those of the 'self-help' variety, need to have blogs.

Why, you ask?

I have about four books floating around in my head. I will not write them, because I do not yet know how they end.

What happens, I ask myself, if I put it down on paper and then change my mind about it later? It's 'out there' and I cannot take it back. That thought both scares me and holds me back.

But, with the author/blog idea, I could add notes at a later date and avoid all guilt that I might have misrepresented something, or changed my view on a particular issue.

For example:

Okay folks, I no longer believe what I stated in chapter 12 to be true, so rip it out and download the new chapter 12 from my site and tape it in with the handy bookbinders tape I sell on my sidebar.


That person who I named as the 'most influental' person in my life. Not anymore. Please cut out that name and add this one. Person A seriously screwed up her life and I have no respect for her anymore. Person B wasn't all that influental, but hasn't screwed up her life (yet) so just incase, use the temporary adhesive, also sold in my sidebar.


Please disregard the entire book. Return it to me for a full refund, or, click on the link at the right for a lovely 'altered book' project.

This might catch on. That is if it hasn't already.


Anonymous said...

There are people who want to do it. The legal world hasn't figured out fair sharing laws yet regarding intellectual property and especially its exchange on the internet. If you don't care about profiting from the book or having anyone else alter the book and claim it as their own or worse alter the book and claim it as yours still.... then you have to wait for the law to catch up. It shouldn't be too terribly long. There is a conference on Friday at my school regarding what will need to be in place for some of this to work.

- Megan

Anonymous said...

I guess it is one of the side line reasons I am working on a cookbook...that plus what we continue to deal with in trying to feed one small little grandson the best way...that changes from time to time, adding yet more versions of recipes and new ones we work up. It is a work being done primarily by my dil and me...but at times it was only me, or my other daughter at home yet some too. The oldest daughter wants to help us get it in publishable form at some point in time...we are not ready to declare it quite ready yet...more work to be done. But I can surely understand how you feel here.

There is a book that MAY be written later by me too...but not now...the timing is not right. You too will probably know when the time is right...but in the meantime we can write whatever we wish on our handy computers....get it down in some way at least...it can be "fixed" if need be, at some later date.