I have been a formless void.
On Wednesday in the early afternoon, my dad called to say that my mom had fallen and hit her chin. I was in no condition at the time (wednesday was so bad i never even got dressed) to be of any help to him. When I picked them up on Friday to go to a dermatology appointment, I was shocked at how my mom looked! She was bruised and scraped and had a very sore wrist. I felt really silly in the dermatologist office for a routine skin check when she obviously had more pressing needs.
To make a really really long story short, we went right from that appointment to the emergancy room. My mom had her wrist, ankle and head x-rayed. We are praising God that nothing was broke. They didn't find anything in the CAT scan that would have caused her to fall (again). Tomorrow we see her eye doctor. It is quite possible that this particular fall and the one a week ago could have been caused by vision difficulties due to cataracts. Her fall on Christmas day was weather related, and left her with a sore knee and ankle, which might also have been a contributing factor in her last two falls.
I'm going to have to teach my dad to use something like the 'pain scale' (on a scale of one to ten, what number would you give your pain?) but change it to a 'response scale'. On a scale of one to ten what would you rate this occurance? (1 - 'i think this might need a bandaide, 5 - 'we should make an appointment to see the doctor this week', 10 - 'i'm calling an ambulance - meet us at the ER').
Later, as the story came out, my dad did a fantastic job of fixing her up. He washed her scrapes and put an antibiotic on them. He watched her closely to make sure she was okay. He brought her glasses in to have them fixed. Her wrist didn't start bothering her until later on Thursday. By Friday her hand was twice the size of the other one (last night her hand was back to normal size, her scrapes are healed and her chin and neck a deep deep nasty purple).
I'm home today curled up on the couch trying to keep my eyeball from popping out.
THGGM sat with my mom and dad at church today. He didn't notice anything wrong with her at all. Either she was miraculously healed (she has had that happen more than once in her life) or THGGM isn't all that observant (that would surprise me, as not much gets past him!).
That's what I remember. The blanks can be filled in with cuddling a really cute Baby Boy who is all smiles and very happy. That does a lot to calm an aching head.
Really. It does.
(reading through this again, i noticed that i wrote "i'm home today, curled up on the COACH". just so you know, if i ever write that again, i mean 'couch'. the only COACH i knew is youngest son, and he would never never never let me curl up on him.)
Oh you poor dear!! What a way to have to spend a weekend!! I know I have some rather recent developments written up in a doctor newsletter I get about how to help with migraines and when I find the right one, I will send on what it says....just in case it could be of help to you!
(((((((((((HUGS))))))))) and get well soon! SO sorry about mom too, it is SO hard to see them go down hill...but it is what awaits us all unless our Messiah comes very soon! Poor Mom...I am sure it was painful!!
love, Elizabeth
Have not come across article yet, but in my looking...saw a note I sent on to someone else earlier. Go to the site by Dr. Andrew Weil (and overlook some strange stuff on there...heehee) but there should be an article on variant migraines there...and meanwhile, I will continue looking (need to clean off computer desk and some other areas...so should eventually come to it)...but I have not forgotten.
Blessings and saw in other post you are better...that is very good!
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