Welcome to Anybody Home!

Here you will find scattered pictures from my point and shoot camera, random thoughts from my little world, treasured memories of days gone by, hopeful dreams of the days yet to come, and a bunch of ideas - because I've always got ideas!

Friday, February 03, 2006

Would You Say That I Have a "Plethora" of blogs?

I still have a RAGING migraine.

It is 1:15 in the morning. All I have to take for it presently is FULL of caffiene. I'm ALREADY full of caffiene, thank you very much. I need to sleep at some point this week. I do believe that would be very helpful.

I'm sleeping on my living room couch this week, or trying to anyway. Eventually, I can fall asleep sitting up, a trick I learned when I injuried my knee.

Really, I haven't had a headache of this magnitude in months. The pain subsided for a bit - I went out for lunch - but, it tracked me down and whipped me all the way back home. "How dare you leave and attempt to have a real life!" - It wailed at me.

I took something then, which lasted until about four hours ago.

I've accomplished NOTHING this week. NOTHING. And, I had such BIG plans!

I did manage to put together the beginnings of another blog, this one with pictures and comments about all the junque I have around my house. If ever I am able to get rid of things, at least I will have these pictures to remind me of why it takes me so very long to dust! If you are interested, it is called PLETHORA. The address is: www.judyh58a.blogspot.com

Now. I am going to attempt to remove my head and set it aside somewhere so that the rest of me can get some pain free sleep!

I'll note here that tomorrow I will open up my blog and be so surprised to see that I posted here. That's because being in pain for an entire week eats up ones ability for rational thought. I won't remember this in the morning. Oh wait. IT'S MORNING ALREADY!

(but, i'm a grandma!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Judy, I love your cards, decoupage and all your other stuff too and your other blogs. I couldn't comment on them - I don't have a blog. I just wanted you to know that it is a treat to come to your blogs - like browsing in a gift shop!
Barb (not your cat) from GR
PS - Your grandson is adorable!