Welcome to Anybody Home!

Here you will find scattered pictures from my point and shoot camera, random thoughts from my little world, treasured memories of days gone by, hopeful dreams of the days yet to come, and a bunch of ideas - because I've always got ideas!

Monday, November 13, 2006

Ahhh. Now I Can Think.

Baby Boy took a nice long nap this afternoon, and woke up happy!
While he slept, I took pictures of a few of my weekend thrift store finds.
Not pictured are the four shirts I found for myself, and a bunch of books I thought someone I know might be interested in.
Isn't this a charming apron? I love the "Dick and Jane"ish fabric.

And, this fabulous little suitcase was at an antique mall we went to.
It is very light weight, and extremely clean on the inside.
I just LOVE old suitcases, as they make such excellent storage. When you have as much junk as I do, that matters a lot.

The inside is SO nice!
Before I find things to store in it, I think I'll make a Christmas display in it.
Or, not.

This great old shelf...
What to do with it...
It's in Baby Boy's toy closet while I try to decide.
I have a white table that I think it might fit on, and would make for great shelves for me if it does.


Tournesol said...

I love the apron, I had a pinafore out of fabric similar to that when I was young.

joyce said...

oooh, you do love to torture me. That reminds me; I was at a thrift shop this aft and found a great old suitcase but got distracted by the rugrats I dragged in with me, and left it there.... sigh...