Welcome to Anybody Home!

Here you will find scattered pictures from my point and shoot camera, random thoughts from my little world, treasured memories of days gone by, hopeful dreams of the days yet to come, and a bunch of ideas - because I've always got ideas!

Monday, November 13, 2006

What Footstool? I Don't See Any Footstool!

Some families have an 'elephant' in the living room that no one dares talk about.
I have 'the footstool'.
Why, yes. It's lovely.
But, it takes up the entire room!
Now, let me back up.
We had a wooden 'blanket chest' which nicely held about half of all the board games we have.
Once Baby Boy decided he would shock us all and start walking, it became obvious that it would have to go. Four pointy corners he could bang his darling little head on.
So, enter the supersized footstool. Today, while seated on the love seat, I could not even see Baby Boy on the other side of it.
He likes it. It came from his living room, so it doesn't scare him (like it does me).
To him it is a giant drum he can walk around.
I wish it opened up. I get excited thinking of all the stuff I could hide in there.
But it doesn't.
(yet. i seem to recall that we have a hacksaw in our bedroom...)


Melissa said...

I have suitcase envy - I never seem to find any!! I think you should just cut that footstool open!! ;)

Linda said...

That is one big footstool!

Anonymous said...

Peering around the huge footstool, I see a lovely, cozy room.

Debra said...

What a pretty room! Love the colors and the lighting and well, everything! Thanks for sharing...Blessings, Debra

Yvonne said...

.......that's pretty big alright!

joyce said...

you do live in such a lovely space. Its the sort of home that I would immediately feel at home in.

Angela said...

awesome! do it! open it up, add hinges and create your own personal game chest :-) very innovative idea.

karla said...

I absolutely love that footstool. So stylish. I was just telling my husband the other day that I want something just like that instead of the coffee table that we have. Although I didn't even consider a moving baby as a safety reason to make the switch. I think you have just helped me build my case for some new furniture! :)

Judy said...

Thanks for the nice comments!

It IS a lovely room.

I like it so much better now that the pink carpet is gone. Pink. I still can't get over the idea of pink carpet.

And Karla, I'm so glad I could help! The footstool is fabulously child-safe.

Heather Plett said...

Ummm... a hacksaw in your BEDROOM?? Seems like an odd place to store it. Afraid of night prowlers, perhaps?