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Here you will find scattered pictures from my point and shoot camera, random thoughts from my little world, treasured memories of days gone by, hopeful dreams of the days yet to come, and a bunch of ideas - because I've always got ideas!

Sunday, November 05, 2006


I do not watch much television. My favorite show is on PBS, so it isn't interrupted by pesky commercials.

But I have watched enough TV recently to know that I cannot stand ANYBODY who is running for ANYTHING right now.

Have they no manners?

I would not talk about a temperamental dog the way candidates talk about each other.

Enough already.


Quit filling my mailbox with stuff I haven't asked for.

Quit filling my in-box with e-mail I didn't ask for.

Just stop. Stop it. I cannot take it anymore.

As a mother, I want to send them all to their room until they can behave and talk nicely.

So, from now until Wednesday, the commercials will be muted.

And, I will make up what is being said.

At least I'm having fun with that.

Sort of my own little Mad TV.


Goslyn said...

I hear that. What I want them to stop doing is calling me from God knows where. Bill Clinton has called, Lance Armstrong has called, the governor of Pennsylvania has called. Ugh.

I have even gotten calls asking for votes for people who live and are running in an entirely different state! It's insane.

Linda said...

I think that I can say that I hate them even more than you because, it's not even my country or my election! And I still have to listen to them! I like your idea of muting them. I think I'll do it.

Angela said...

Perfect! that's the way to do election time :-D

Anonymous said...

Oh, we mute, too. :) And I'm not even going to answer my phone again until Wednesday! We've never before received so many political calls. Never. Sigh.... Everyone I know is complaining this year about all this stuff... Debra

Anonymous said...

AMEN...so much for PRIVACY on communication devices we PAY for!!!
I love the part about muting the commercials and then adding your own dialog!!! It could be a new game...sort of like charades...and we'll market it as "Guess My Platform" or "...and She Rants."!!!

Yvonne said...

Ha!!! Funnier than the above post!!! AMEN!!