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Here you will find scattered pictures from my point and shoot camera, random thoughts from my little world, treasured memories of days gone by, hopeful dreams of the days yet to come, and a bunch of ideas - because I've always got ideas!

Thursday, November 09, 2006

My Dad

Today, my dad asked me if I wanted to hear a funny story.

I said "YES!".

Then, he added that he wasn't sure if it was funny, or scary.

"Do tell!" was my response.

It seems that my 80 year old father and my 79 year old mother fell into a deep sleep Sunday afternoon after my sister and brother-in-law left their house.

They didn't wake up until 6:00.

They woke up at 6:00 PM.

But my dad thought it was 6:00 AM. Shocked that they had both slept all night in their clothes, he woke up my mother, they got dressed, and had breakfast.

They also took all of their morning pills.

Then, they left the house at the usual time to go walking at the mall.

He thought it seemed odd that the light at Porter and Burlingame was blinking.

He thought it was odd that it wasn't as light as it was Saturday morning when they left the house at the same time to go to breakfast at church.

They both thought it was odd when they got to the mall and there weren't any cars there.

They thought it was supremely odd that the doors at the mall were locked.

It wasn't until they returned home on what they thought was a very dark holiday of some sort that it was actually just Sunday night.

My dad asked me not to tell anyone.

I assured him. "Oh, I won't tell 'anyone', I will tell EVERYONE!"

I'm still not sure if it is a funny story, or scary.


Yvonne said...
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Yvonne said...

True - pretty funny, but then at second thought - scary that they got so confused - and the taking of the pills - now that could be downright dangerous! Although, I did have a little chuckle at the picture you painted! Thank you for sharing (and that was me that deleted my comment - I totally screwed it up!)

Anvilcloud said...

I'm not sure either. I think it's scarier than funny.

Linda said...

Now that they're safe, I think it's a funny story. But scary too.

joyce said...

I say, funny.
very funny. and I'm glad to hear the ages of your parents-- similar to mine. I often reassure my parents that their forgetfulness can not be related to their age, since I am nearly as bad as they...

Gwendolyn said...

Judy, I cannot see why you think you are boring. You're a hoot. Thanks for a great laugh.

Melodee said...

I find that very amusing! Did they think it funny when they realized?

Melissa said...

I find it both funny and scary although I agree with Yvonne the potential danger of double dosing with the wrong meds is frightening...

Judy said...

Thanks for the comments!

I should have added that the reason I felt compelled to tell this store is that it is precisely the kind of story my dad LOVES to tell.

About other people.

And, my sister read this and told me that it happened to her once many many years ago.

But, believe me, it is not at all fun to watch parents start (or continue) to lose it.

Although, I'm so glad they are still around.

Not having them around would be much worse.

Debra said...

Oh! Here's another vote for both scary and funny and well, kinda weird, too, that it took them that long to figure out what was going on. Although, the older I get, the more I can certainly understand how that can happen...sigh.... I'm glad they are ok! Blessings, Debra

Anonymous said...

Sometimes I wonder how far off I am from where they are? Sigh...tis hard growing older! Daughter trimmed my hair tonight...well, what pitiful little is left...sigh! I used to have so much hair I could not stand a hat in the coldest weather...now when it gets below 60 degrees I am wanting one! Now if the mind would work continually, I guess the rest would not be so bad!

Patience said...

That's the funniest story! Before he died, my bed-ridden father used to call at 2 or 3 a.m., thinking it was in the middle of the afternoon. Until he looked out the window, he'd think we were crazy! Even then, I'm not sure he believed it!

Angela said...

Oh, my. well, it's very nice to know they have a schedule they keep...makes life cozy. definitely scary, taking the extra pills, though.