Welcome to Anybody Home!

Here you will find scattered pictures from my point and shoot camera, random thoughts from my little world, treasured memories of days gone by, hopeful dreams of the days yet to come, and a bunch of ideas - because I've always got ideas!

Thursday, November 02, 2006

My Thursday People!

My Mom and Baby Boy had a great time playing together today.

It was snowing furiously in the afternoon, so we all piled on the couch to watch it out the front window.

There were a few moments when we couldn't even see across the street!

Baby Boy LOVED watching the snow fall.

Mostly he loved playing 'peek-a-boo' with his great grandma.


joyce said...

just a few tidbits: the boy looks so much like his daddy!
yesterday I spent some time looking through your collections blog (whatever you call it) and I love all your STUFF. I love the pumpkins you made. they're gorgeous. I know there was much more Iloved, just can't think of it right now. Thanks for sharing though. On wintery days when I don't get out much, esp with five preschoolers, I just look at your oldy goldies and I feel like I've been out hunting!!

Heather Plett said...

Baby Boy is so lucky to have all those generations of people doting over him. :-)

MissKris said...

No snow here yet, but the Little Man sure loves looking out at all the blustery, stormy weather we've been having lately. Dear Hubby's parents are the only great-grand's still alive but they're basically housebound. My dad-in-law's in a vegetative state most of the time. But Halloween nite, Jamie and Casey took Dylan over to see Great-Grandma and she was so thrilled! Dylan has an expression when he tucks his chin up and chews on his lip where he looks EXACTLY like my Dad. Even when they're no longer with us on Earth, the past generations are still here with us...I look at Dylan and think of all the ancestors I've known in my lifetime who've passed something down to this darling little boy. I'm in awe of it at times.