Welcome to Anybody Home!

Here you will find scattered pictures from my point and shoot camera, random thoughts from my little world, treasured memories of days gone by, hopeful dreams of the days yet to come, and a bunch of ideas - because I've always got ideas!

Thursday, December 21, 2006

It's Official

Our Christmas weekend has officially begun.
THGGM was surprised to remember that he has tomorrow off! And a nice surprise that is!
Oldest Son and Daughter-in-law will be arriving on Saturday.
Our immediate family will be celebrating together on Sunday.
My side of the family will come on Christmas Day.
I've got the stockings sorted and tonight the presents will be wrapped.
I have a few gifts yet to pick up, but nothing stressful. Well, not for me anyway. THGGM likes crowded holiday shopping. He is, in fact, VERY good at it. All those years of working in a grocery store around the holidays, I guess.
In true "Judy fashion" I have developed an eyelid twitch. I would say that I am not stressed. I do not FEEL stressed. But I am about to attempt to tie a washer onto my eyelashes to keep my lid from jumping around. It is SO annoying.
Most likely, I will not 'get it all done'.
At the ripe old age of forty eight, I've learned that that isn't what's important. Wish I'd learned it sooner.


Anonymous said...

So you get those eyelid twitch times too huh? My sympathy! Today was a migraine day...and 6 extras to dinner, of course! Fortunately I had enough stuff on hand to get dinner together anyway...but I wanted to go to town for a few things...but when you cannot focus, you cannot drive. I have only had a couple of these in my life...the last 15 years, so no complaints...and little pain...just messed up my plans and I had to spend a few hours in bed resting. But I asked GOD to help me and HE did. But I hate being behind!! Oh well...

I guess we just try to bite off more than we can chew huh? I always have more plans than I can seem to execute too!

Dawn said...

Have a wonderful season of celebrating!! Thank you for stopping in and leaving such a nice comment...