Welcome to Anybody Home!

Here you will find scattered pictures from my point and shoot camera, random thoughts from my little world, treasured memories of days gone by, hopeful dreams of the days yet to come, and a bunch of ideas - because I've always got ideas!

Monday, September 20, 2010


What a nice Monday.

In the morning three of us played a game (Famke won!) while Kado served us coffee and eggs (pretend coffee and eggs. he is all about pretend.) using his coffee pot and pan.

Famke took a nice three hour nap and Kado took two two hour naps. When Pake came home, he took Jonge to one of Youngest Son's soccer games. He is coaching the varsity boys team from the school down the street from us. Pake and Jonge had a wonderful time. Youngest Son's soccer team is doing great this year and we are all extremely excited about this.

Jonge had dinner with us tonight. Just the three of us.

Yes. It's been a very good Monday.

This evening I spent some time seeing what I could do to some pictures I had taken of Kado earlier today that were rather poor quality. I'm trying to get that look of an art-deco picture. Not sure I'm on the right track yet, but I'm having fun working at it!

Hope Monday was nice to you, too!


My name WAS Female, I shit you not! said...

Absolutely love what you did to those pictures.
What photogenic grandkids you have.

Melissa said...

It sounds like a delightful Monday!!

Unknown said...

I believe you've confused me with Youngest Son again. If I ever have a soccer team, it will be made of LEGO.

Judy said...

Oh, dear. I AM getting more daft.