Welcome to Anybody Home!

Here you will find scattered pictures from my point and shoot camera, random thoughts from my little world, treasured memories of days gone by, hopeful dreams of the days yet to come, and a bunch of ideas - because I've always got ideas!

Thursday, May 09, 2013

Ten in Ten

1.  Today I did not have any grand kids to care for.  So what did I do?  Well, let's see...
2.  I scrubbed half of the kitchen floor.  Just half.  Don't ask why.  I'm going to look at it as a 'floor half clean'.
3.  Well, this is why.  I remembered that I was going to take the drawers of toys out of the guest room closet and put them in a hall closet.  This needed to be done, as when someone is napping in the guest room nobody can get at the toys.  So the neat little drawers of toys are now in the hall closet.  I couldn't take out everything, as they still need to play in there some of the time.  I hope this works.  If not, I know what I'll be doing next weekend.
4.  The hall closet already has two high shelves filled with games and puzzles and things with small pieces.  It also had my off-season clothes.  Those are now in the guest room closet.  And I also managed to fill two kitchen size trash bags with clothes to give away.  That felt good.
5.  I got rid of my denim jumper.  And my denim vest with the nice front pockets.  Are you proud of me yet?  I've not worn either of them in years and years, but for some odd reason I've hung on to them.
6.  What I couldn't get rid of were my two mother of the groom dresses and my mother of the bride dress.  One of them I might wear again, the other two are lovely, but I won't ever wear them.  Somehow, I just couldn't get rid of those two without thinking that something wasn't right.  So I hung them next to my wedding dress.
7. It's been almost six years that we have lived here.  If you were to look through my house it looks like we've lived here for 35 years.  I've got to stop seeing possibilities in EVERYTHING, but never actually doing it.  You would not believe how many Jif peanut butter lids I have accumulated.  Someday, I'm going to think of the GREATEST thing to do with them.  Although I've no idea what.
8.  Have I mentioned lately that I LOVE to collect ideas?  Oh, I have, have I?   I cannot decide if Pinterest is good for me, or a terrible danger.
9.  I'm not sure WHAT happened, but Zeke has been the perfect gentlemen since I wrote about his, ahem, problem.  Not even ONE accident.  No not one, no not one.  He hasn't munched on any small plastic toys either.  I'd love to know what caused the change in behaviour but I've not a clue.
10.  Today I had a wee burst of energy unlike I've seen in a very loooong time.  I think my new medications might be doing their thing.  I'm not one to get my hopes up so early on, but I am looking forward to feeling better.


Alice said...

Maybe I lost track . . . but did we ever find out why only half the floor?

Way to go on the clean up.

Anonymous said...

Half the floor clean and toys in the right place is far better than all the floor clean and toys in the wrong place. You keep those mother dresses because there might be a 10-years after picture in the future with the brides in their dresses and you too. (will take 3 pictures, you will have to change clothes twice ;-) You wrote away your frustration abiout the problem with Zeke and he feels confident to be grown up now. About the lids, maybe make a loooong chain above your flowergarden? I will find out what they look like, maybe I will know something then. DM (Wish I had my energy back). DM Oh those änti robots"the words they find are sometimes hilarious.