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Thursday, September 22, 2005

What I'm Reading

Today I finished reading "Taking Care of Dad" by John B. Reynolds. It's a true story of how the author gave up his job to move his ailing father into his home to take care of him. Excellent story.

I'm also reading "Pilgrim at Tinker Creek" by Annie Dillard. It's also excellent, yet, sort of gross reading about bugs and stuff before going to bed.

Yesterday I finished "Covenant Marriage" by Gary Chapman. I'm not a fan of books on marriage. This one isn't bad, I bought it for the church library, and will happily recommend it. But, the ONLY book on marriage that I actually would recommend that anyone buy, is Walter Wangerin's "As for Me and My House". This book is worth it, even if only for his descriptions of the various couples out for Saturday night dinner at Denny's.

I'm also ripping apart books. This is a very difficult thing for me. But, I am decoupaging the card box from the library, and I think it would look good with some words from a book on it. So, I rip.

Presently, I am reading Peggy Noonan's "Simply Speaking". But, mostly I am just thumbing my way through that. I will NEVER give a speech, so I'm just reading it because it cost me a quarter. One of my favorite books is filled with speeches from history - not just the memorable parts, but the entire speech. It is called "Lend Me Your Ears".

Next up is Maeve Binchy's "Evening Class". I've not read her before. I actually bought this one because I liked the cover. Sometimes I can be SO shallow.

What are you reading?


Anvilcloud said...

I loved evening Class. It will be interesting to read your take. So I'll come back in ... oh ... about a half hour?

Heather Plett said...

I haven't read Evening Class, but I have several other Binchy books, and I quite like them.

I've packed "High Fidelity" for my flight tomorrow.

blueyedtracy said...

I just read "Drinking, A Love Story" by Caroline Knapp - so insightful, real and heartwrenching. It chronicles her descent into alcoholism and journey towards sobriety. Know of any good biographies on Fred Rodgers, you know, of Mister Rodgers Neighborhood?

Melodee said...

I'm reading "Gilead." I need to try Annie Dillard again--I have her "Reader." I also own Walter Wangerin's marriage book, but have never read it. I have too many books!

Linda said...

Evening Class was the first Maeve Binchy book I read and it is one of my favourites. Some of her books are really good and some are really bad. I once heard her interviewed on radio and she was one of the funniest and most interesting people I have ever heard.

Jared said...

Lewis's The Great Divorce, Dante's Purgatorio, Black House by Stephen King and Peter Straub, and a book on writing fiction by Stephen Koch.

Dora said...

I own and have read several of Wally's books.... (walter wangerin) and enjoyed them all. I especially like his one for couple's devotions.
The last book I read was The Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison, oh - since then I've read hoards on home remodeling and improvement.

Cathy said...

I love Binchy. Quite gossipy, but so human and entertaining - I hope this is the start of a Binchy love affair!