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Here you will find scattered pictures from my point and shoot camera, random thoughts from my little world, treasured memories of days gone by, hopeful dreams of the days yet to come, and a bunch of ideas - because I've always got ideas!

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

How to Unwind

Today was the sort of day that will take me a long time to be able to post about. A loonnngggg time.

To make a long story short, I came home from a day spent at the hospital with my dad, who suffers from congestive heart failure and is being closely watched there - and my mom, who suffers from dementia, which was REALLY acting up today. If someone could take my dad's healthy brain and drop it into my mom's healthy body, well...life just might be better as one for the two of them.

Anyway...I came home in great need of unwinding. In my mailbox was the "A Common Reader" catalog. It was just what I needed! If you are not familiar with "A Common Reader" you can check them out on-line at www.commonreader.com I have already dog-eared my copy.

I also had a "Gooseberry Patch" catalog. I'd just recently placed an order with them for six of their booklet size books. Their catalog also does not disappoint, and neither does their website at www.gooseberrypatch.com

The highlight of my day was the moment Son-in-law installed my new dryer! Oh, the joy; oh, the delight! I am so easily amused it is embarrassing. Although I will miss the smell of sunshine and wind on my clothes, I will not miss finding yellow leaves in all my pockets and cuffs.

Well, my battery is low, and it is storming, so this is it for now!


Anonymous said...

Wow...a new dryer! That is joy!

I am sorry about your dad...my mom died of that and it was a long drawnout process. Not sure that is so with each person...but it is surely hard to watch those we love go downhill. And dealing with the loss of your mom mentally is no picnic either!! Won't it be wonderful when we are all in eternity together with new bodies once again?

Thanks for the websites...good thing to look at!
Bless you, Elizabeth

Melodee said...

My heart goes out to you. Hang in there!

Jan said...

I've been there (only with congestive heart failure and Parkinson's). Not sure I will ever be able to post the truth about it all. That's one of the hardest things: we don't know how hard it will be because nobody can talk about it. And every situation is different, of course. My heart goes out to you, too. One thing I can tell you is that your joy will be all the sweeter having endured these days.