Welcome to Anybody Home!

Here you will find scattered pictures from my point and shoot camera, random thoughts from my little world, treasured memories of days gone by, hopeful dreams of the days yet to come, and a bunch of ideas - because I've always got ideas!

Monday, September 24, 2007

Monday Funday

Ah, yes.

To make up for that harried weekend, THGGM has today off.

We slept in.

He 'til 7:00, me 'til 7:30.

We went to breakfast at 8:00.

Then it was off to grocery shopping. The store seemed filled with mother's of preschoolers who had apparently just dropped everybody else off at school. It was unhurried and delightful.

It cost too much.

We came home. Me, to fill the pantry, THGGM to tend to some work that needed doing.

Next we were off again. To 'Somewhere in Thyme' our new favorite antique mall. I bought a 'Dick and Jane' book to rip apart and a cedar chest sample to make into a shadow box.

Lunch was had at 'Rainbow Grill'. THGGM and I used to eat there more often when he had Wednesday's off. Monday is potato soup day, so it was extra special.

He also went to the hardware store while I shopped at Michael's. I bought a second small scrapbook to make another ABC book, having remembered that I now have TWO grandchildren. Today they were 40% off (the scrapbooks). I also bought some 'instant age' varnish. Because I look too young for my age? Hardly. To smear on THGGM whilst he sleeps? Maybe. I cannot remember why I wanted it, but I did remember that I did. I wanted to by instant papier mache, but I didn't have a coupon, and it wasn't on sale. And, it looked exactly like dryer lint to me, which is hard to spend money on.

THGGM finished his project, which looks better than I had imagined. He isn't totally satisfied with it though, so I won't post any pictures.

Next, if I have my way, we are off to Target to pick up a CD. I want the Rod Stewart one that was playing at the reception we attended last weekend. It was beautiful. And, I never would have thought myself a Rod Stewart fan.

In the car after lunch, THGGM was belting out "All I need is the air that I breathe, and to love you!". I informed him that I need a teensy bit more than that. Add lunch out and antique shopping, and I'm good to go.

Last week, while we were dressing for the wedding, I mentioned to THGGM that I thought I should go on "What Not to Wear". I am no fashion maven. I have only one 'going out' outfit, besides two black beaded dresses - one mother of the groom and one mother of the bride. I would be perfectly happy to spend my remaining days in comfortable jeans, a shirt and a denim vest with pockets. Pockets are important to me. He agreed. Then he added; "You should also go on 'What not to eat, What not to say, What not to do...'

Oooo. Do I have a show for him. "Who Not To Mess With".

It's still early. We can still do a lot more fun stuff tonight!

1 comment:

Gwendolyn said...

I'm just wondering why you rip up the Dick & Jane books? I'm sure you have a purpose.