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Here you will find scattered pictures from my point and shoot camera, random thoughts from my little world, treasured memories of days gone by, hopeful dreams of the days yet to come, and a bunch of ideas - because I've always got ideas!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

I Know I Know

This is something like my forth post today, but, I have many random things to record.

THGGM is playing Bach's Adagio and I might just have a breakdown. That music is SO sad. He loves it, it calms him. Apparently, Bach is who the Dutch were listening to just before the German invasion. This CALMED them? I'm trying to get "It's a Small World After All" stuck in my head just so I can cope.

Tonight THGGM and I were reading in the backyard. It is just SO nice back there. We are so close to a busy intersection yet geese fly overhead, woodchucks chuck wood - or whatever it is they do, toads hop around and the neighborhood children make happy sounds. Our neighbor was playing the piano, beautifully. It was all going so well. Youngest Son even popped in after his soccer coaching duties were completed at the school down the street. THGGM made us strawberry shortcake. YUM. I was reading a short story by Willa Cather (stories that end in suicides should begin with a warning) because I liked her comments on "The Awakening". THGGM was reading C.S. Lewis' "The Great Divorce". It COULD have been a perfect night.

Except for a very large bat, I'm sure it was a vampire bat, flew at my head. I do not like bats. At least it was OUTSIDE.

Tonight I used my potholder loom, cotton loops and Klutz book (http://www.simplythrift.blogspot.com/) to weave a potholder. This is NOT a children's craft! So I only paid $1.50. If I were to sell that potholder I'd want to put at least $20 on it, for all of the duress it caused me. Yes, I remember making them as a child. Making them again reminded me that it wasn't all fun and games then either.

I learned a great new word reading "The Awakening". Befurbelowed. Meaning, you ask? Dressed, adorned, especially in petticoats or flounces. Befurbelowed. Say it with me. Befurbelowed. I like how it rolls off the tongue, and is perfectly useless in my life.

My dad reminded me today why old people do not need Facebook, MySpace or Classmates. They have the board at the entry to nursing homes. It's surprising how many old friends he finds that way. He met one again yesterday. Quite thankfully, his friends have only been there for rehab. But, it's a nice way for them to catch up.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

The song you need to get into your head is The Biscuit of Zazzamarandabo. It is on the last Veggie Tales Video (Tomato Sawyer and Huckleberry Larry). I've had it in my head for three days and absolutely nothing else will drive it out. I even wake up with it running through my head.

I started Awakening awhile back but had to put it aside because I had a book club book to read. I need to pick it up again.