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Here you will find scattered pictures from my point and shoot camera, random thoughts from my little world, treasured memories of days gone by, hopeful dreams of the days yet to come, and a bunch of ideas - because I've always got ideas!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

More Change of Plans

Daughter called early this morning to tell me that Jonge was still very sick.
THGGM dropped me off there on his way to work.
I got to be "Beppe" all day!
The doctor calls it a virus, and it must run it's course.
This puts an end to tomorrow's planned day at the beach with Jonge and Famke.
One does learn to be flexible when one makes plans that involve small children.
Hopefully, this virus will skip right over Famke.
So, when THGGM picked me up after work we stopped at our favorite thrift store. They were having an anniversary sale and everything was 50% off. One of my purchases was the hankie with "Grandma" on it. How COULD I pass it up, with my name stitched right on the front? I believe it cost me a quarter. And, for 50 cents I found a lovely vintage flannel baby blanket. I was hoping to find a doll that I saw there on Saturday, but it must be playing house today in someone else's home. Oh..,but the FUN we would have had...
My other purchase was a hardcover copy of "Peace Like a River" also only 50 cents.
Such fun.
So cheap.

1 comment:

daisymarie said...

It's always fun to find something with your name on it! And a sweet little hankie at that. I just love vintage hankies...and pillow cases...and well, just about everything.