Welcome to Anybody Home!

Here you will find scattered pictures from my point and shoot camera, random thoughts from my little world, treasured memories of days gone by, hopeful dreams of the days yet to come, and a bunch of ideas - because I've always got ideas!

Monday, December 15, 2008

She Does the Occasional Meme

I found this at Kris' and tweaked it a bit...

Do you like cheese?
Yes. I DO like cheese. Especially sharp cheddar.

Have you ever smoked?
Just that one time I mentioned in an earlier post. And, I am sure you would have to, under the circumstances.

Do you own a gun?
No. But, there is a mouse in my kitchen and I will resort to guns if necessary to eliminate it.

Do you like listening to Christmas music?
Yes. John Denver and the Muppets and carols played on a harp.

Do you get nervous before a doctor's appointment?
Yes. Mostly because I hate to park in parking ramps.

What do you think of hot dogs?
Not much. I can eat them with spicy brown mustard and vadilia onions.

What is your favorite Christmas song of all time?
I love "I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day".

What do you prefer to drink in the morning?
I prefer to drink a mug of coffee with cream and one Splenda, twice in the morning.

Can you do push ups?
I couldn't say. If someone where to yell 'drop and give me five' we would find out now, wouldn't we?

Who is you favorite Grey's Anatomy character?
I do not watch that show. Now, I do have a favorite Gray's Anatomy Coloring Book page, but, that isn't what you asked.

What is your favorite piece of jewelry?
I have a gold heart necklace with a pearl in it (my birthstone) that THGGM gave to me for my sixteenth birthday.

What is your favorite hobby?
Thrifting for craft supplies which I hoard in my basement like a crazy lady. That, and I still do like to rubber stamp.

Do you eat "exotic" foods.
I do not.

Do you have A.D.D.?
I think not. I have the ability to do the same boring things over and over again and ENJOY it. Although I do have trouble sitting still. I keep getting ideas, and have to tweak things, and...

What one trait do you hate about yourself?
Oh, wow. Just one? I hate how I have piles and piles of important piles and piles all over my desk. Which sort of fits in with how I have too many interests and very little follow through because I keep finding more important things to deal with...

What is your middle name?
58. Well, actually, it is Lynn. But it wasn't supposed to be. My mom forgot when the birth certificate lady came by and all she could think of was Lynn.

Name three thoughts that you are having at this exact moment.
1. I can hear a mouse.
2. I hate mice.
3. Despereaux is a movie I shall never see.

Name three things that you bought yesterday.
I did not buy anything yesterday. People do that you know. Not buy stuff. It can be done.

Name three things you regularly drink.
1. Coffee
2. Diet Coke
3. Water

Current hate.
I hate when the phone rings and the Caller ID says the name of the nursing home my mom lives in. I am getting more used to it, as they have to report EVERYTHING that happens. But, still. It scares me and I hate that.

Favorite place to be.
My favorite place to be is on the couch reading books to Jonge, Famke and Uncle Barb.

How did you bring in the New Year?
This old year? By having Jonge and Famke spend the night. Jonge's birthday is January 1st, so we got to be the first to wish him a Happy Birthday, and it was the very first time Famke spent the night with us, so it was great fun. I have pictures on my blog to prove it.

Where would you like to go?
I would like to go to bed, but I have to give THGGM ample time to fall deeply asleep so that I can turn on the light and read my favorite Christmas stories. I'd sort of like to go to New Zealand, too. But then I would have to leave the house.

Do you own flip-flops?
What a personal question. Yes. Yes I do. I don't know where they are right now, as it is very very cold in these parts.

What shirt are you wearing?
I am wearing the denim blue striped shirt I found last month at the thrift store. It suits me.

Do you like sleeping on satin sheets?
Not really. Although, I can pretty much sleep anywhere if I am tired enough.

Can you whistle?
I can, but underneath the whistle there is a strange bellow-y sound that causes my family to mock me. Right in front of me, not even behind my back.

What is your favorite color?
Blue is my favorite color.

What songs do you sing in the shower?
"Oh I like to take my time I mean that when I find a thing to do I like to take the time to do it right." Or whatever "Ear Worm" is floating around in my head.

Favorite girl's name.
Famke is my favorite girl.

Favorite boy's name.
Jonge is my favorite boy.

What is in your pocket right now?
The crinkly wrapper from one of those chewy mint candies with a Christmas tree in the center.

Last thing that made you laugh?
Famke climbed on to THGGM's lap today while he was reading a book to Jonge. She kept sticking her face in front of his face so he could not see the book. She knows how to get equal time. No doubt about that. It was VERY VERY funny.

Worst injury you've ever had.
Let's see.., either the one that removed my eye brow or the one that tore a ligament in my knee. Both happened while I was at home, minding my own business.

Do you love where you live?
Yes, I do.

How many TV's do you have?
Two. One in the den and one in the basement. Two too many, I'm thinking.

Who is your loudest friend?
I do not think that I have any loud friends. People who tend to get migraines tend to choose quiet self-effacing friends who like to read and make stuff.

How many pets do you have?
I have a very old male cat named Barb. Well, and then there is that mouse.

Do you get embarrassed easily?
Why? Should I? I don't think so. Good grief. Now I feel so vulnerable. Do I embarrass easily? Most likely, yes.

What is your favorite book?
My favorite book is "The Bird in the Tree" by Elizabeth Goudge.

What is your favorite candy?
I am diabetic. That means that I am predisposed to loving ALL candy. I adore Peanut M&M's due to the fact that they taste good and contain peanuts, which causes me to believe that I am getting a bit of protein along with the sugar and that somewhere, in the great scheme of things, it's a wash.

What song do you want played at your funeral?
"And another one's gone and another one's gone and another one bites the dust." I have a list somewhere. This is not a question you ask a depressed person at 12:30 in the morning (maybe 'found a peanut?).

What were you doing at 12:00 AM last night?
I was bringing my cat into the basement and noticing how warm it was outside.

What was the first thing you thought of when you woke up this morning?
How blessed I am to greet another day!


Yvonne said...

Ok - I'm going to (steal) borrow this. Look for it sometime soon on my blog!!

anonymous said...

Man, Judy, you are spraying your fake happy all over me this morning :) Actually, I think it's the real thing! You just crack me up.
I'm definitely going to steal this from you :)

Melissa said...

darn it all, I was going to email you this but can't find your email.....
