Welcome to Anybody Home!

Here you will find scattered pictures from my point and shoot camera, random thoughts from my little world, treasured memories of days gone by, hopeful dreams of the days yet to come, and a bunch of ideas - because I've always got ideas!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

My Saturday

...was NOT the Saturday of my dreams.

THGGM and I had our second appointments to become blood plasma donors. Neither of us passed this time either. Last time we only lacked our doctor's approval, which he was more than willing to give.

I thought I was just nervous from how nasty the drive was to get there. And how I generally hate to leave my house.

Everything was going along just fine.

Until they took my blood pressure, pulse and temperature.

My pulse DOES tend to race whenever I do something new, like, well, anything at all actually so that did not surprise me.

My temperature was more of a shock.

We rescheduled our appointments for next Saturday, when we will try for the third time.

As we left, the roads were even worse. Cars were sliding around everywhere.

I tried all of my whining abilities to get THGGM to turn into my favorite thrift store, but, he said I was sick and should go right home. I don't think he cared all that much about my health, because, I still didn't even believe that I was sick.

So, home we went. He painted some more in the basement.

I laid down with the book, "Riding the Bus with My Sister".

Then, I slept. And slept. And slept some more.

For an unbelievably long time.

At 8:30 I decided to sleep in bed, since in addition to the racing heart and fever I ached everywhere.

After 11 hours of uninterrupted sleep, I woke feeling a little less achy.

Actually, I thought I was fine.

So, I ate just a little bit. A VERY little bit. Being diabetic, I cannot just NOT eat.

Let's just say I wasn't fine and leave it at that.

The Three Year Birthday Party for Jonge will still go on. Instead of making a Veggie Tales cake, we shall be buying a cake.

I'll be that lump under the quilt, not touching or breathing on anybody.


Anvilcloud said...

Aw, get better soon.

Debra said...

Ack! I'm so sorry you're not feeling well. I totally hear you about hating to leave the house in the winter. We did go visit friends yesterday in our old town, but fortunately the roads were dry. But it did begin to snow on the way home and I told Tom, hurry! We've got to get back home because it's snowing. :) (Fortunately it stopped snowing the closer we got to home.)Feel better soon! Blessings, Debra

Marguerite said...

What's not to like about January? Snow and flu season. My favorites.

Get better soon.

anonymous said...

Get well Judy! I'm so sorry you feel so bad.
I'm going Thursday for my first appointment at the plasma place. I'm hoping I can donate because I'm literally selling my plasma to go to Disney (and now maybe to pay for a new fuel pump on DH's car).
I wonder if you go to the same place...is it on Broadmoor?

Pat said...

So sorry to hear you are sick...I'm TRYING to get over my annual January bout with the same thing.
I'm with you on leaving the house...I'm so content to stay home, too content at times!
Get well!