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Here you will find scattered pictures from my point and shoot camera, random thoughts from my little world, treasured memories of days gone by, hopeful dreams of the days yet to come, and a bunch of ideas - because I've always got ideas!

Monday, August 22, 2011

And Then There Were Four

Yes. This is the day that Daughter went back to work.

And we all had a very good day.

Considering that this is the first morning in seven weeks that everyone needed to leave home early in the morning, we all did very well.

Even me. I went to bed EARLY last night and got in a good eight hours.

There was one point in the day when all five of us were crying at the same time, but that didn't last long.

Feintsje made the least amount of fuss. As long as he has food and someone to talk to, he's a happy boy.

But they all missed mommy. Which is how it should be.

Jonge will start school after Labor Day.

I will miss him.


Rebecca said...

Hurrah for all of you. Is this 5 days a week?

Mary said...

They are just totally precious! School begins late there. The kids here went back last week. Is Jonge going to half day or full day kindergarten? I sure hope he loves it and I am sure he will.

daisymarie said...

Such a sweet passle of sweeties. I'm so torn about Asher starting school. I want more time with him, to prepare him for the kids. But I'm also ready for him to get started. He goes for screening in the morning and then I get to take him to his first soccer practice tomorrow evening. Organized sports...for 5yr olds. Makes me feel so old. Will Jonge's kindergarten be all day or half? Asher goes M-F all day. I get to pick him up everyday. I am looking forward to that.

Janie Fox said...

oh that dern school killed me. I cried when Aubrie went last Friday. How did she get to be 5? Baby Penelope is getting the shove tomorrow. I hope she doesn't take til Wed to arrive. I am not g=oing to sleep.
Your daughter and her little ones are blessed to have you.

My name WAS Female, I shit you not! said...

SEVEN WEEKS ????? The time has flown by.

Melissa said...

I'm glad it went well for you.

Tournesol said...

Lucky you, I'm jealous!

Pat said...

I bet Mommy shed a tiny tear too when she had to go back to work. You are a mighty special grandma, what a blessing you are to your family and in return they bless you right back! I think that's how God planned it!

Karen said...

Sooo cute! Love the pictures of the four of them. I'll bet Jonge is a big help to you, but what an adventure school will be for him!