Welcome to Anybody Home!

Here you will find scattered pictures from my point and shoot camera, random thoughts from my little world, treasured memories of days gone by, hopeful dreams of the days yet to come, and a bunch of ideas - because I've always got ideas!

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Notice Anything Different?

The Husband God Gave Me drove home from his very long week in Chicago last night and went straight over to Daughter and Son-in-law's house so he could hold Baby Boy.

No one noticed that he had shaved off his beard and mustache.

Then he came home to me. He had told me earlier in the week what he had done (a long story, i'll tell you later) but I didn't mention it either.

He soon left for the 7/11 on the corner to pick something up, and as he walked in the door, the girl at the cash register said "HEY! You shaved off your beard!"

Poor man. We haven't seen him in a week, yet it's the 7/11 employee who notices.


Chris said...

That's the first thing I noticed when I saw the picture. Me and the 7/11 girl are very perceptive.

daisymarie said...

How funny!

Goslyn said...

I noticed it too. How funny about the 7-11 girl, though.

Do you ike the new look, Judy?

Judy said...

I DO like the new look, except for the fact that I will again be mistaken for his mother, not his wife.

The beard was almost all gray. His head hair isn't.

My oldest sister pointed out that we didn't notice because we love him, and see him as more than just what he looks like.

The 7/11 girl just knows what he looks like, so that is what she noticed first.

At the very least, that made us all feel better.