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Here you will find scattered pictures from my point and shoot camera, random thoughts from my little world, treasured memories of days gone by, hopeful dreams of the days yet to come, and a bunch of ideas - because I've always got ideas!

Friday, December 15, 2006

Feeling Blue

Today I am feeling blue.
I had plans. My ONLY plans this season that did not require anything of me but that I enjoy it.
My sister, mom, niece and I were going to go to the Meijer Gardens to see the Christmas trees.
It didn't happen. I doubled over with extreme stomach pains for about an hour this morning.
Like my mom used to say, 'It just wouldn't feel like Christmas if Judy didn't get sick!'
Anyway. I think I'm fine now. We will go after Christmas instead. This way more family members may be able to join us.
So, tonight I made two pecan pies and two pumpkin rolls.
I cleaned up the 'guest room' for Oldest Son and Daughter-in-law who are coming tomorrow to celebrate Oldest Son's TWENTY SIXTH birthday, and also our 10 days late St. Nicholas party. I can't wait, and am SO glad to be feeling less bad than this morning.
Feeling 'less bad' is a GOOD thing.


Marguerite said...

Beautiful picture.

Sympathy on getting sick. Seems to be going around.

Tuesday night I felt fine when Sunny and I left for doggy school. By the time we got there (10 minutes away) I headed for the bathroom, spent a half hour in there with a dog who didn't understand why we weren't having fun with the other dogs, and then we headed home during a break in the action. Ugh.

MissKris said...

LOL! I am sitting here chuckling over your mom's comment about it not being Christmas unless you were sick. I was ALWAYS sick on Christmas, usually with bronchitis. But one year I had the German Measles, running a 105-degree temp, and I was SO sick my parents set up an army cot in the TV room so I'd be sleeping near their room and also because the Christmas tree was there. I was too sick and weak to even open up my gifts that year. My brothers were more than happy to rip off the wrapping paper for me, ha! Those blue decorations are beautiful, Judy. I must be weird, but white Christmas lights leave me....cold. I LOVE color of any sort at Christmas!

Anonymous said...

Glad you are feeling better.
I was the kid who was ALWAYS sick on Thanksgiving.
I love all of that blue glassware, and the white lights, shelves etc.
Just so pretty.

Anonymous said...

Sure hope you get to feeling up to par! I know how it is with diabetes...some days are not the best. Our son and family arrives soon to celebrate Hanukkah with us. Latkes and donuts among other things are on the menu...this year we made the donuts with xylitol...a "fake" sugar that is easy to use...and tastes ok...just expensive is all. I can take it or leave it, but the kids will be estatic. Our oldest grandson has insufficient pancreatic function (meaning sometimes his blood sugar soars and other times it goes to the bottom, so he simply cannot have sugar!! Using insulin could kill him too...so monitoring and being careful is the treatment. So I am grateful for this alternative, whatever it costs)!

Used to be whenever it was Christmas or Easter cantata time, and I had a solo part or duet, etc to sing, I could count on getting larengitis...every stinking time! I no longer sing publically and now I am fine!

oshee said...

I am glad you are feeling less bad too.

For many many years I was always sick at Christmas. This year the pollution has been pretty bad and so I have felt sick even if not with a virus. I just hate waking up with migraines. I hope you continue to get better.

Yvonne said...

those blue jars and lights are just beautiful!

Tigermama said...

I love the blue glass with all the lights. It`s absolutely gorgeous! Take care of yourself.